Our Vision

Weston is new development blending heritage and innovation to provide an attractive place to learn, work, live and play in Shropshire.  Delivered by a reputable landowner with longstanding and historic roots in the community.

Our principles


With over 900 years of caring and managing land in the local area. The development has a responsibility to the site’s heritage and is being designed in respect of its local landscape and heritage, and will take inspiration from the neighbouring settlement and farmstead patterns.


A resilient place which will contribute to the local environment through a  biodiversity net gain and zero operational carbon. It will generate renewable energy, and a modular construction which will minimise waste and reduce the environmental impact.


Providing several new Public Right of Ways, to encourage healthy and active travel by foot or cycle, with horse-riding on some routes. Pathways will connect with the surrounding community and align with the existing landscape to create safe and natural routes.


Featuring enhanced rail connections from Cosford, and a multi-modal local transport framework which will deliver sustainable and active connections for Weston.


Offering a diverse range of training, jobs and homes for all stages of life, to retain local talent and help drive a successful future for the region.


Weston will deliver up to 2,900 high quality, affordable homes in two, yet interconnected neighbourhoods, and provide essential services to meet the needs of the local people and families for all generations.

It will provide a sustainable employment-led community which will contribute to the economic future and operational growth of Shropshire and the West Midlands.

Weston will have a low environmental impact, creating natural habitats and reinstating biodiversity corridors, while strengthening historic identity through the adaptation and reuse of built and natural heritage assets.

The design, by world-leading masterplanner and designer, Ben Pentreath, prioritises traditional homes, constructed from local materials and set in historic street pattern layouts.

Green Amenities

An active landscape of parks and greenways promoting health and wellbeing.


High speed digital connectivity supporting co-working and home working.


Traditional house styles and street patterns to provide a strong sense of place.


Village centre with medical centre, a school, nursery and local retail.

Active Lifestyle

Playing pitches, walking & cycling paths to promote active lifestyles.

Local Food

Farm shop and community allotments to stimulate local food provision.