Share your views

Bradford Estates welcome your views on our proposed new development, Weston, a place which blends heritage and innovation to provide an attractive place to learn, work, live and play in Shropshire;

As part of our commitment to delivering this holistic scheme, we are asking for your feedback as we continue to shape our proposals on Weston.

Under the Data Protection Act 2018, Bradford Estates has a legal duty to protect any personal information we collect from you. We will only use personal information you supply us for the reason you provided it for; in this case, for the purposes of answering questions, to maintain a contact database to update people on the proposals for Weston and to inform changes to our proposals. We will only hold your information for as long as necessary to fulfil that purpose. Your information will only be shared within Bradford Estates.


We want to hear from anyone who sees a role for themselves, their family or their business in the creation of a lively, prosperous and well-equipped new community at Weston.

01952 850 111